Why & How to Plan for Interviews


Objectives of interviews are to:

  1. Know the person on a deeper level and test the validity of the resume/claimed achievements (is the candidate telling the truth?)

  2. Check the person for culture fit and observe their personal motivations (can you provide them what they are looking for?)

  3. Give an opportunity for the candidate to ask questions more about the organization's direction (how passionate is the candidate?)


  • Negates the traditional 2-minute pitch for a position that is insufficient to decide if someone is good for a role

  • Ensure that they are good fit for the culture of the team, this is mainly done via observation of their body language, words chosen, motivations for joining etc.


  • Time consuming and must have at least 2 from the team to ensure that the conversation stays on topic and no one is being biased

  • Organisation might suffer if you lack someone with good emotional intelligence (EQ) or someone who’s good at looking out for important cues to do the interview

1. Ability check

Asking questions pertaining to the resume, getting into the details if the points that interested you to interview them were based on real experience than just fluff.

Eg. Should someone say they have done X events, ask them questions about what did they do in that job and what did they like/dislike about it, what challenges did they face and what did they do to overcome it.

2. Applicant's goals and your ability to provide for them

Asking questions regarding why they are interested in the position and the organization will hopefully give more glimpses into their character, usually this will help check if you can provide them what they want to gain out of their time with you.

Eg. If a candidate says that they are interested in the position because of the exposure to the community or just wants to be a good help to others compared to someone who thinks it’s going to look good on a resume, the former is a better reason to the latter.

3. Give candidates an opportunity to speak

Giving candidates the opportunity to ask them more about the organization helps identify what they are actually interested in. It also is an opportunity for candidates to show initiative and share what interests them about the organisation, conversely it can also show what candidates don’t know and should know about the organisation.

For example, if a candidate asks you about what the club is about, it would be likely that they didn’t do their research or even read up about the organisation. However if a candidate asks for a more defined understanding about the job role and perhaps asks insightful questions that you didn’t expect (eg. marketing officers making good analysis of what the customers of the organisations and their needs are and confirming that with you) shows that a candidate is genuinely interested and cares about the organisation.


I hope this is has been useful for you/your team!